The following information may help you troubleshoot some of the more common browser-related problems that you may encounter while working inside of Blackboard.
Make sure that cookies from third parties are allowed.
Third party cookies are allowed by default on all supported browsers. If you experience problems staying logged in to Blackboard, please check your browser settings to make sure you allow third party cookies. For more information on enabling cookies, please select your current web browser:
Tonight, I've not been able to view Flash videos ONLY on ZDFmediathek (other sites are fine) in always routes to a page with WMV & QT videos, with a message at the top of the page that the site is optimized for Flash Player 10.1, and I need to install the latest version. Adobe Flash is technically gone, with Adobe having stopped development on it on December 30, 2020. This means that none of the major browsers – Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox – support it any more. You can forget about Flash videos, Flash games, vintage Flash sites – the whole lot. Uninstalling Flash Player will help secure your system since Adobe will not issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date. Adobe blocked Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021 and the major browser vendors have disabled and will continue to disable Flash Player from running after the EOL Date. Flash player has stopped working in all browsers: Trouble running ISO in UUI: can't get flash player, what do I have to do to get it: Flash Installer wont work: flash won't work in Chrome: Adobe Flash Player 21.0 r0 has stopped working: Installing Flash 11.1 on Galaxy S7 Edge doesn't seem to work. Flash not working in chrome on msnbc. Flash not working in Safari Post by FrMark » January 14th, 2017, 4:39 pm Since updating Safari to the latest version for El Capitan (Safari version 10.0.2) I have not been able to see Flash video in web pages.
Make sure that JavaScript is enabled in the browser.
Flash Not Working Firefox
JavaScript is enabled by default in all supported browsers. JavaScript is a type of programming language used to provide immediate feedback to users via the browser. Much of the Blackboard system relies on JavaScript to generate interactive web pages. For more information on enabling JavaScript on your machine, please select your current web browser:
Pop-Up Blocker
Pop-up blockers work in the background while you browse the Internet. When they detect a pop-up window that may be an unwanted advertisement, they automatically close the window. This can prevent Blackboard from performing properly.
While using Blackboard, if you are unable to view discussion postings, quiz windows, and download links, then you need to disable pop-up blocking for your Blackboard server. For more information about turning off pop-up blocker on your machine, please select your current web browser:
Internet History and Cache
Your Internet browser keeps a record of all the websites you visit in its History. Your Internet cache acts as a roadmap for all the web sites you visit by storing copies of these sites locally on your computer. Because this site information is stored locally, web sites load faster.
Sometimes, this stored data can create problems for Blackboard users trying to login to the system. If you are experiencing “Session Already Running” errors or are unable to view certain web content, try clearing your Internet history and/or cache. For more information on clearing your Internet history and cache, please select your current web browser:
- Mozilla Firefox History and Cache
- Internet Explorer History and Cache
- Safari History and Cache
- Google Chrome History and Cache
Important Note:
For Internet Explorer users, do not select the Preserve Favorites website data check box if you have the UALR Blackboard website saved as a Favorite on your computer.
Flash Games Not Working Safari
Java is a programming language and software platform, similar to Flash, that is required for certain features of Blackboard to function properly. Some of the important features of Blackboard which use Java include:
Adobe Flash Not Working Safari
- File uploading and downloading
- Taking assessments and surveys
- The visual text editor box found in Discussion, Assessments, the Assignment Dropbox, etc.
- Logging in to the UALR Blackboard Learning System