MyPoint Light S

My point light doesn't appear in cycles render, why? Ask Question Asked 8 months ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed 418 times 2. 1 $begingroup$ So I'm rendering in Cycles the DONUT, lately my renders have no light (the objects are not black but really dark) and the strange part is, that it doesn't matter what I do to my light in the viewport. 'myPoint Light S” is a beneficial, yet unobtrusive “cursor” highlighter that only appears when needed! Otherwise, the cursor is the normal “arrowhead.' I have purchased other cursor highlighters which are constantly streaming “stuff.' They are a “waterfall” of irritation! With 'myPoint Light S,”.

  1. Great Point Light Magnifier
  2. Focal Point Lights
  3. Great Point Light Company
  4. MyPoint Light Strips
  5. Point Lighting Corporation

Point Lights work much like a real world light bulb, emitting light in all directions from the light bulb's tungsten filament. However, for the sake of performance, Point Lights are simplified down emitting light equally in all directions from just a single point in space. The Point Light when placed can be set to one of three Mobility settings:

Point lighting corporation
  1. The Points of Light Global Network includes innovative volunteer-mobilizing organizations who serve more than 250 cities across 37 countries around the world. Together we offer creative, impactful and inspiring ways for people to take action and engage in their communities. See the difference we make.
  2. The light will turn green when a photo is taken and then turn orange when the photo is being transmitted. The light turns off after the photo has been transmitted and the camera is reset. The LINK-MICRO SERIES status light blinks red before turning OFF. The SIM card is not properly inserted/is defective, Video: How to properly insert my SIM.
  • Static - (pictured left) which means that the light cannot be changed in game. This is the fastest method for rendering and allows for baked lighting.

  • Stationary - (also pictured left) which means the light will only have its shadowing and bounced lighting from static geometry baked by Lightmass, all other lighting will be dynamic. This setting also allows for the light to change color and intensity in game, but, it does not move and allows partial baked lighting.

  • Moveable - (pictured left) which means the light is totally dynamic and allows for dynamic shadowing. This is the slowest in terms of rendering but allows for the most flexibility during gameplay.

Two examples of a Point Light placed inside a level are shown below.

The image on the left is a Point Light without its radius showing, and the same light with it enabled is shown in the right image, giving a good impression of where the light will affect the world.


While the light from a Point Light only emits from that point in space, having no shape, Unreal Engine 4 can give a point light a radius and a length for use within reflections and specular highlights to give the point light more of a physical feel.

Point Light Properties

The properties of a Point Light are broken up into 4 categories: Light, Light Profiles, Lightmass, and Light Function.



Great Point Light Magnifier



Focal Point Lights

Light Profiles

Great Point Light Company




MyPoint Light Strips



Point Lighting Corporation

Light Function

Points of light walmart

