Unity Tech

Delivering quality, productivity, and performance for games and teams of all shapes and sizes. Check out the features, workflows and components included in our 2020 LTS and 2021.1 Tech Stream releases.

2020 LTS + 2021.1 Tech Stream

Whether you’re creating stunning visuals, working head down in the code, or both, we have two releases that enable you to achieve more in less time. Discover smoother workflows and features designed to give you the greater control over how you create and deploy real-time 3D experiences.

Reduce your time from concept to final render building anything from the lightest 2D game to the vastest 3D world.

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  1. Welcome to Unity’s own collection of assets. You’ll find a variety of complete projects and tutorials, models, environments, props and editor extensions. Keep up to date on the latest tutorials and projects from Unity on our Learn pages.
  2. Unity Technologies 🌍 We believe the world is better with more creators in it! Show us how you use Unity to bring your vision to life. #madewithunity linkin.bio/unitytechnologies.
Create stunning visuals

Discover optimized workflows for creating stunning visuals that engage players from the very first pixels.

Develop high-performing code

Harness codingworkflows to help bring your team’s vision into an optimized, high-performing game.

Unity Technologies Ipo

Choose the right release for you

We offer two different release versions, Tech Stream and Long-Term Support (LTS), so you can select the solution that best fits your needs. Tech Stream versions give you access to the latest, in-progress features, while LTS versions ensure greater stability with two years of support.

What version do you recommend for my project?

If you are in production or close to launch, we recommend the latest LTS release. If you want to use the latest Unity features in your project or are just getting started with production, the Tech Stream is recommended. Learn more about our different releases here.

What is a Tech Stream release?

This release is for creators who value exploring in-progress features to stay on the cutting edge for their next project. This version is primarily recommended for the preproduction discovery, and prototyping phases of development. Learn more about our different releases here.

Unity TechWhat’s an LTS release?

The release for creators who value maximum stability and support for their next project. This is our default release and is primarily recommended for creators past the preproduction phase of development and who are about to lock in production on a specific version of Unity.

Learn more about our different releases here.

What’s the difference between a Verified package and a Released package?

In an effort to provide more clarity around package readiness and expected release date, better quality packages, and as a direct response to feedback from you, we’ve created a more rigorous process for labeling packages, as well as a new categorization system. Learn more here.

TechHow do I get access to your alpha and beta releases?Technologies

Unity Technologies Careers

Both our alpha and beta releases are open to everyone, so no signup is required. Get started by downloading them from the Unity Hub. Because there may be feature-stability issues with these early releases, we do not recommend them for projects in production, and we highly recommend that you back up any project before you open it with an alpha or beta release.